Our projects include:

  • Building Rainwater Catchments
  • Digging Wells
  • Disinfecting Existent Water Sources
  • Educating and Training People
  • Rehabilitating and/or Building Sanitation Facilities

SOS Clean Water

2359 Tullamore Circle

Snellville, Georgia 30039   


Phone: 404-319-0086

Alt. Phone: 770-934-0415   







About SOS Clean Water

Hands Touching Pure Water

While people throughout the developed world are living with adequate food and quality drinking water, those in developing areas are suffering without adequate drinking water. They have to walk many miles and long hours just to get unsafe polluted water.

Lack of clean water leads to:

  • Disease
  • High Rate of Children's Mortality
  • Hunger
  • Poverty

At SOS Clean Water, we believe that everyone should have access to clean water without too much effort.

Instead of the people, mainly the women and children, in developing world’s having to spend their days gathering unsafe, diseased water, we want them to have the options of things such as education and decent crops of food. We want to help them live healthier more productive lives.

Why your help is needed?

In many remote communities, there is only one well for the whole community and one nurse for every 500 to 1000 people. With your help, the people of these villages can have clean drinking water which will significantly reduce the health problems caused by unsanitary conditions. Children and adults drinking dirty water become sick from waterborne illnesses. With better general health conditions, parents find more time to care for their families, expand minimal farming to sustainable levels, and even run small businesses.

In developed countries, women with high risk pregnancies are able to seek bed rest during the pregnancy. Women in these developing regions often walk many miles carrying heavy containers with water for the family. Poor prenatal care exposes these women to dangerous health conditions.

Water and Education 

Education is critical for breaking the cycle of poverty and yet over half of the world's schools lack access to safe water and sanitation facilities.

Lack of clean water has serious effects on student's academic performance and attendance rates. The lack of safe water can cause even the best students to lose momentum as they deal with stomach pains and diarrhea from disease and hunger.

Students miss class to go fetch water, or to care for sick parents or siblings. In many places, HIV/AIDS has already caused a large percentage of children to become orphans, requiring students to drop out and find work to provide food and care for younger siblings. If teachers are sick, classes get cancelled for all students.  

Schools cannot run programs if they cannot provide water to students, faculty and their families.

Lack of Water = Lack of Equality 

For girls, the situation is especially a big issue. They cannot get an education if their days are spent traveling miles to fetch unsafe water for their families, and lack of an education leaves them few options once they reach adulthood. Many girls get married early or turn to prostitution in order to support themselves. Further, it is typically the responsibility of the women to bring water to the family that reduces their access to both education and business opportunities. Think about it: everyday, women and young girls carry more than 40 pounds of dirty water from sources over 4 miles away from their homes. This leaves little time for education which is critical to changing the long term prospects of developing nations.

Frequently Asked Questions 

  1. Who are you?
  2. Are you a 501c3 organization? (is my gift tax deductible)
  3. Where do you work?
  4. Where does the money go?
  5. What type of  organization are you?” Religious?” ,”Political?”
  6. How do I know the money was well spent?
  7. Do you help dig wells?
  8. How much does a well cost?
  9. Can I volunteer?
  10. Who are you?
  11. Are you accepting project proposals?
  12. Projects We Support
  13. Where We Work
  14. How We Began

1.    Who are you?

SOS CLEAN WATER, Inc. is a non-profit and charitable organization that is working to bring relief to rural communities in Sub–Saharan Africa who suffers needlessly from a lack of access to clean water and proper sanitation.

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At SOS Clean Water, we are a non-profit organization that raises money to facilitate construction projects that develop safe drinking water for developing worlds. View some of our services to see what some of these projects consist of. We would appreciate any donations to help our cause. Contact us today for more information.

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