At SOS Clean Water, we are a non-profit organization that raises money to facilitate construction projects that develop safe drinking water for developing worlds. View some of our services to see what some of these projects consist of. We would appreciate any donations to help our cause.     Contact us today for more information.

SOS Clean Water

2359 Tullamore Circle

Snellville, Georgia 30039   


Phone: 404-319-0086

Alt. Phone: 770-934-0415   






SOS Clean Water…

Bringing Safe Clean Water to Unfortunate Communities!

By rehabilitating existing operational infrastructures and/or building new ones, we will bring safe, clean water to everyone! 

Why SOS Clean Water? Click here. 

Fresh, Clean, Water can be achieved by:

  • Building Rain Water Catchments
  • Digging Fresh Water Wells
  • Having Adequate Sanitation Facilities

At SOS Clean Water, it is our goal that everyone has crystal clear, contaminant free, safe drinking water!  

We are a non-profit organization and your donations will be tax-exempt.  

As a non-profit organization working for the rural poor, we would appreciate any donations. For more information about us and our organization, please feel free to browse our website or simply give us a call at now at 770-934-0415.

We will be working in Africa, mainly West Africa. Our projects will begin in the Ivory Coast and then move throughout the region.

You can make a difference!